Hierarchy & Structure – Interviews – Vulgarisation – Activity Report
The ins and outs
of Brussels security

Share complex topics in a simple manner
Join many different conversations in harmony
Turn a technical report into a pleasant read
Grant more appeal to the mission of a young institution

“A safe city speaks with one voice”
Their gospel? “Living in Brussels in all security”
Bruxelles Prévention & Sécurité (BPS) is the guardian angel of the people of Brussels. A public service that never runs out of work, indispensable to the safety of the city. With a clear structure, streamlined interviews and an intuitive title, we have written an annual report that clearly highlights the institution’s mission but that remains easy to read.
Finding the right voice
BPS is a complex chain. Every link in that chain must be equally strong to guarantee its operation. In such a dense network of players, we had to hear all the voices. From the police to Brussels Mobility, over non-profit organisations to the fire brigade, Nakami hit the road to gather all the information. It was technical and multi-faceted discourse that we had to bring together and summarise in one voice. This sure posed a gargantuan challenge, but what a pleasure to finally succeed!

The art of communication? That is to lay out difficult subjects in broad daylight. To get BPS’s rather technical messages across, we had to arm ourselves in the art of vulgarisation… And all the while, simplicity should never drift off into simplism. The message was received—loud and clear.
Thank you BPS, this was a wonderful two years together